村上隆對Perrier的獨特回憶 A unique memory of Murakami and Perrier

1. 村上隆對Perrier的獨特回憶
A unique memory of Murakami and Perrier
2020年聖誕,村上隆決定與法國氣泡水品牌Perrier合作推出聯乘限量玻璃瓶,把招牌花花圖案和Kaikai Kiki兩個經典角色,以絲印形式與Perrier雅致的綠色玻璃瓶融為一體。原來村上隆在18歲約會期間,曾經誤把Perrier氣泡水當作喝太多也不會醉的啤酒,對氣泡水新奇彈跳的口感一試難忘——這場美麗的誤會早已為今年舉世矚目的聯乘埋下伏筆。
To celebrate Christmas in 2020, Takashi Murakami has decided to collaborate with Perrier, the famous French label of sparkling water, to launch a limited edition of glass bottles which are printed with his signature flowers and classic characters: Kaikai and Kiki. Printed with fine, silk-screen printing technique, these figures perfectly blend with the exquisite, elegant green glass bottles of Perrier. In fact, when Murakami had his first try of Perrier sparkling water when he was on a date at 18, he thought he was tasting some kind of beer that does not make one drunk! Intrigued by the sparkling taste of the water, Murakami has since remembered this special encounter with Perrier, which leads to the significant collaboration this year.
Image: Photo of the artist with two limited edition bottles of different sizes to be launched in 2020
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