村上隆的作品比日本人更受外國人喜愛?Takashi Murakami’s works are more welcomed by the international market?
6. 村上隆的作品比日本人更受外國人喜愛?
Takashi Murakami’s works are more welcomed by the international market?
Described by The Japan Times, even though everyone from the world and the fashion industry is talking about Murakami, people from his own country are tepid about him: ‘Oh, that painter of cute flowers.’ Murakami believes the Japanese people hate him for ‘stealing’ the country’s culture. As he is gaining more fame and recognition worldwide, he also feels more suppressed and loathed by his compatriots, which has been a cause of his distress. Despite this, he still sees the strong desire from the international contemporary art market for Japanese art and culture.
Image: Takashi Murakami x ComplexCon Mr. Dob Poster, 2016
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