村上隆近年正式化身潮服界教父?Takashi Murakami is recently leading the trend of street fashion?

8. 村上隆近年正式化身潮服界教父?

Takashi Murakami is recently leading the trend of street fashion?

2018年,村上隆為其美國德州沃斯堡現代藝術博物館展覽打造服裝——一條色彩繽紛的觸手裙,獲美版Vogue網站盛讚「只有村上隆可以駕馭這條觸手裙」。自此,這位曾與Louis Vuitton、UNIQLO、OFF-WHITE、PORTER等各大時裝品牌合作、平日酷愛Cosplay打扮的藝術家正式踏進潮服界,現身於巴黎男裝週及ComplexCon等時尚界盛會。他以一身極致誇張的潮流打扮,突顯對街頭潮流文化的興趣,同時探討自己與服裝之間的關係,利用輕鬆方式跨越時裝及藝術的世界。在今年舉行的首個村上隆香港展覽「村上隆 對戰 村上隆」中,二樓展區便是環繞「服裝」的主題,首次展出村上隆多套色彩繽紛的服裝。

In 2018, Takashi Murakami had constructed a costume for his exhibition at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Texas, US – a fancy skirt with flamboyant and absurdist tentacles – which was immediately reposted by Vogue US with an epic title, ‘Only Takashi Murakami Could Pull Off This Tentacle Skirt’. From then on, the artist, as known as a cosplay lover who has worked with many famous fashion brands: Louis Vuitton, UNIQLO, OFF-WHITE, PORTER etc., has formally introduced himself to the street fashion industry with his increasing presence in fashion events like Men's Fashion Week in Paris and ComplexCon. He frequently shows up in extremely wild outfit, expressing his strong interest in latest streetwear trends as well as exploring the interactions with fashion and clothes, hence overcoming the boundary between fashion and art. This year, Murakami has made his debut in Hong Kong at MURAKAMI VS MURAKAMI at Tai Kwun, with the first showcase of his unique costumes in the themed area on the second floor.


Image: Artist in the tailor-made outfit for his exhibition at Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.
Source: Takashi Murakami's Instagram
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