村上隆「破產」了?Has Takashi Murakami’s company gone bankrupted?

7. 村上隆「破產」了?

Has Takashi Murakami’s company gone bankrupted?

村上隆在今年6月底透過個人IG宣布,因受到疫情影響,他所主理的藝術公司「Kaikai Kiki」正面臨「破產危機」(藝術家後來澄清非事實)。村上隆在影片提及,為了實現童年夢想,多年來投入大筆資金製作科幻電影《Jellyfish Eyes Part 2:Mahashankh》,然而在新冠疫情下,公司大受打擊,一度陷入財務危機,因此必須暫時放棄電影上映,而改以影集的形式推出作品。

In the end of June this year, Takashi Murakami revealed through his personal Instagram that his business, Kaikai Kiki, is “on the verge of bankruptcy” with the sudden swoop of COVID-19 pandemic. (The artist has later clarified that it is not the factual situation.) In his video, Murakami also revealed his big-budget sci-fi film, Jellyfish Eyes Part 2: Mahashankh, which he claimed as a film to fulfill his long-held childhood dream, was forced to be cancelled due to the financial crisis his company is facing. Instead, the film will be released in the format of small videos.


Image: Artist Portrait
Source: Vogue Taiwan (©Photo by RK) 
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