當村上隆遇上多啦A夢 When Takashi Murakami meets Doraemon

4. 當村上隆遇上多啦A夢

When Takashi Murakami meets Doraemon

在村上隆近十年的作品中,除了他個人創作的卡通角色Kai Kai、Ki Ki等之外,日本知名漫畫多啦A夢的一眾角色也經常出現在畫中,喚起不少觀眾的童年回憶,也創造了新的經典。事源於十多年前村上隆受藤子不F二雄的製作公司邀請以多啦A夢進行創作,由於他對此角色有著濃厚的情懷,加上他認為漫畫充分反映了戰後一代的生活和心境,因此當年二話不說便接受了邀請,以多啦A夢為主題創作了一系列版畫作品,更加入了不少玩味的個人元素,從此村上隆的名字便跟多啦A夢緊密聯繫起來,在藝術界中掀起不少風浪。

In the recent 10 years, Takashi Murakami did not only create works with his characters like Kaikai and Kiki, but also with the characters in the famous post-war Japanese comic, Doraemon, both recalling the childhood collective memory and creating a new legend at the same time. This collaboration was initiated by the production company of Mr. Fujiko F. Fujio, the author of Doraemon, more than 10 years ago. To Murakami, the comic is a genuine representation of the post-war generation, especially their attitude towards life. Due to his strong sentiment attached to the character, he accepted the invitation in the first place and created a series of prints based on the cartoon character with a playful and personal touch. From then on, Doraemon and Murakami are inextricably linked and their names have since appeared on the top news in the international art scene.


Image: We Came to the Field of Flower Through Anywhere Door (Dokodemo Door)!, 1000 Edition, 2020
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