什麼是「超扁平(Superflat)」?What is “Superflat”?

3. 什麼是「超扁平(Superflat)」?

What is “Superflat”?


If you are familiar with Takashi Murakami’s works, you must have heard of the term “Superflat”, which is a common reference to his art. Being inspired by Western Pop Art, Japanese anime culture as well as traditional Ukiyo-e art, Murakami is the first artist to raise the discussion of this aesthetic concept to the art world. He once explained the meaning of “Superflat”, ‘I am keen for both Japanese animations and American sci-fi films. For example, in Star Wars, the first scene is completely three-dimensional. While in Japanese animated sci-fi films, the narratives progress horizontally. So, my visual philosophy develops from creating a three-dimensional, natural perspective almost like seeing with the naked eye, to creating a world of flatness with certain sense of depth.’ Through presenting a “Superflat” world to the audience, Murakami also expresses his reflection on the lack of “depth” he has found in contemporary pop culture.


Image: Lots, Lots of Kaikai and Kiki, 2009 
Source: Tai Kwun Facebook
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